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Since 2019
Paris - Valencia - Barcelona - Catania




Living on land we sometimes forget the sea’s dominance of our physical and cultural histories. We should remember.

Steve Mentz


Marítima’01 is an art project articulated around an art residence, based on the interest to the environmental situation of the Mediterranean Sea and its region. Marítima’01 brings together contemporary artists and scientists to create art works as a result from their dialogues and collaboration.

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Maritima 01 is a contemporary art project promoting the protection of Mediterranean, to be held in sea countries with the patronage  of the University of Valencia.


It gathering contemporary artists and scientists with the main objective to raise public awareness on the environmental challenges that affect the Mediterranean while contributing to production and the dissemination of new contemporary artistic projects and to raise artistic sensibility of the society. 

Maritima strives to: 


  • Provide the means and conditions favoring the emergence of collaborations between artists and researchers.

  • Accompany artist in the implementation and production of his artistic project.

  • Support the scientific projects involved in the Maritima.

  • Develop a dissemination program.


The Mediterranean Sea (Mare Nostrum) has always had a primordial place in our civilization by playing a fundamental role in the social, economic and environmental balance of all the countries surrounding it. But it is, above all, a biologically rich environment in constant mutation which forms an ecosystem of great importance for the biodiversity of our planet.


Today the scientific community, as well as multiple governments and Wildlife conservation associations have expressed a great concern about changes in this biogeographical zone. These problems are progressively affecting the ecological balance but also impacting the socio-economic development of this certain basin.


Throughout the year, our project strives to meet the need for awareness of citizens. It gives voice to artists to respond to the urgency of disseminating these new discoveries to a large audience, collectively raising awareness and contributing to the safeguard of this living and sensitive marine ecosystem through sustainable solutions.

Marítima is an opportunity to demonstrate the full sea experience encountering living forms, areas of changes and the influence on locals residing near the sea.



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Our goal in this particular project is to involve as many Mediterranean countries as possible.

The starting point of the project will be located in Valencia, Spain, the birthplace of Art Made and where is the main scientific partner of this project.


Valencia ⋅ June 2-15 ⋅ July 3-7  


Artists will join the Maritima Artist Residency to make research in close collaboration with scientists and for works production.

Each artist will produce a video art or a photo series that will be presented at the  Maritima  Event in Valencia in October 2020 and in another countries afterwards.

Making-of videos filmed during the residence will aim to show to the public creation process of each artist’s  work including moment of collaboration with scientist.

Dates of Program in Valencia 3-10 July 2020




Past events 2020-2021

July 2020, Valencia

Artistic Residency in Valencia

Work at scientific laboratory, filming, production part. Artists Yann Toma, Kalie Granier, Mariagrazia Pontorno, Fermin Jimenez Landa.

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2 October 2020, Valencia

Video Art Program at La Nau (University of Valencia)

Sala Aula Magna, representation of artistic works made in collaboration with Maritima01.


16 November – 31 January 2020, Valencia

Exhibition (Colegio Mayor Rector Peset)


Exhibition "Mare Nostrum: fragili vita". The exhibition will also be available ONLINE from November 16th here.

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17-20 November 2020, Barcelona

Loop festival of video art


Maritima01 video program was represented at Loop festival at beautiful space of Casa de Rusia Foundation which is a partner of Festival.

During 4 days several video artworks produced in the frame of Maritima 01 residence were shown to the public. “Nobilis Golden Moon” by Mariagrazia Pontorno, Enrique Ramirez, Lauso la mare e tente’n terro, Yann Toma, In clinging to the turtle’s back, Fermín Jiménez Landa, La Historia de Apnea, Kalie Granier, Priority Habitat, Xenia Dranysh, A Snake Performance.


18-19 December 2020, online

Poseidonia Green Festival (Barcelona – Portofino). 


Online talk and Maritima01 film representation. 

Artists participated: Yann Toma, Kalie Granier.

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1 October 2020, Valencia

Conference at Institut Français


Screening making-of Maritima01 project, artist residency part. Meeting artist. Opening and press-conference. Maritima01 book presentation.


3 October 2020, Valencia

Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporania


Video Art Screening.


17 October 2020, Paris

Good Planet Foundation


Représentation Maritima01 art residence édition. Conference and video art screening.


Artists and scientists talk about art project's, results of their last collaboration in the frame of Maritima residence 2020. A unique screening-meeting in the presence of Elena Posokhova, founder of the Maritima01 project; Elisa Ganivet art critic; Yann Toma, artist & researcher; artists: Enrique Ramirez, Marco Godinho, and Taylor Smith.


1 October 2020

Maritima 01 Book publication.


Maritima01 book is a collection of works created in collaboration with artists, the Maritima team, and scientists. The collection also includes some pre-existing projects inspired by nature or raising environmental issues that deserve attention.


The book also briefly covers some interesting research by scientists that inspired Maritima artists. At the end of the edition, you will find a photo report on the work process.

Curated by Elena Posokhova, Assistance by Jane Klenn, Design by Victoria Shelest, Text Editing by Svetlana Grishina

Download the book


28 January 2021, Paris

BIS de la Université de La Sorbonne.


Opening of the group exposition In Errance. 

General Representation of Maritima01.

Upcming Events

Events 2021

21-23 May 2021

CDAN, Huesca

Exhibition. Talk.

Artists: Yann Toma, Kalie Granier, Mariagrazia Pontorno, Fermin Jimenez Landa.


1-3 July  2021

Es Baluard Museu d'Art de Palma.


Video Art Festival Maritima..

Es Baluard Museu and the project Marítima 01 present a video art screening program and a series of meetings with artists and scientists on the Mediterranean in order to make known the situation of the Mediterranean Sea and promote contemporary art.


The selection will show a total of 14 video art projects by artists from Spain, Italy, Turkey, France and Russia that invite the public to reflect on the climatic urgency in the Mediterranean Sea, the extinction of marine species, sustainable tourism, diversity of cultures and traditions, as well as the relationships between human beings and the sea.


Among the participating artists are Mariagrazia Pontorno, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Kalie Granier, Yann Toma, Anna Raimondo, Marco Godinho, Enrique Ramírez, Giovanni Ozzola, Miguel Sbastida, Volkan Aslan, Nikolaj Larsen, Mustapha Azeroual, Sena Basöz and Xenia Dranysh.


20 October 2021

Film screening at the Festival of Mediterranean Cinema.


Our film with artist Mariagrazia Pontorno #nobilisgoldenmoon is in program of Mostra de Valencia festival. It is the first film we successfully produced, from idea of research, production process, finding budget, making distribution. 


Nobilis Golden Moon is a movie straddling two pandemics and two full moons. A documentary about the relationship between scientific thought and magical one, told through the Pinna Nobilis, the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean. Pinna Nobilis, also known as the “Sentinel of Mediterranean”, is a large mussel which exceeds the height of a meter, at risk of disappearing for a pandemic disease. The narration sets a parallelism between the current emergency that the whole world is experiencing because of Covid-19 and that one of the Mediterranean and Pinna Nobilis.


Nobilis Golden Moon is a personal and partially autobiographical reportage, shot astride the full moons of July and August 2020, in Valencia (Spain) and in Sant’antioco (Sardinia-Italy). In these two places, in the moonlight, Mariagrazia (director/narrator) learns the scientific and esoteric point of view about Pinna Nobilis, and much more....


May 2021

GOODPLANET Foundation, Paris


Screening making-of Maritima01 project, artist's talk.

The handing-in of art work to Foundation's collection.


7, 9 June  2021

Online Conferences.


7 June - Rethinking Nature.

The starting point of this discussion will be the definition of what is the value of Arts in the theme of Nature, how it varies in context, geography, and time. What effect, questions, and awareness it raises. And what should be done to make the voice of Art more loud and meaningful to create a more Sustainable Future?

In program:

- Dr. Klitsa Antoniou (artist & Professor at the Department of Fine Arts, Cyprus University of Technology and Founder of CutContemporary Fine Arts Lab, artist of Malta pavilion of 58th Venice Art Biennale with work about complex dynamics of the  Mediterranean)

- Michele Leduc (scientist, Doctor at the STARESO oceanographic research station, Corsica 

-  Nathan Robinson (marine biologist & science communicator, Valencia), 

- Yann Toma (an artist-observer within the UN & and researcher/professor, University of Paris

Panthéon-Sorbonne, France),

-  Laurine Wagner (artist & Ph.D. student, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,


-  Kalie Granier (artist & curator, USA/France).

9 June - Video Art. Collect, Display, Produce.


Carolina Ciuti- (LOOP Barcelona) - Criterias of Selection, Selling, Collecting video art  for different  kinds of representation corresponding with. 

Imma Prieto, Director of Es Baluard Museum.   - Displaing of video art, new forms of representation of digital video.

Enrique Ramirez, artist  - Video art as a media with a lot of possibilities. 

 Mariagrazia Pontorno - artist (Maritima) - Digital and video art and a NFT future market.

Laurine Wagner, artist  - Video art as a media of a transformation experience.


5 - 28  February 2022

Amphibies. Exhibition at POUSH Manifesto, Paris


L’exposition Amphibies organisée par Maritima se déroulera du 5 a 20 Février  au Centre d’Art - POUSH Manifesto en partenariat avec  Acqua Foundation et  Sorbonne Art Gallery,


L'objectif de ce projet d'exposition est d'initier l'exploration de la Méditerranée en tant que complexe naturel et culturel, un phénomène symbiotique qui tente de conjuguer histoires et idées, nature et discours dans ce lieu unique, qui est à la fois un lieu géographique et un territoire de l'imagination.




Yann Toma, Quentin Germain, Mariagrazia Pontorno, Ustina Yakovleva, Xenia Dranysh, Max Fouchy, Sena Başöz, Kalie Granier, Fermin Jiménez Landa, Chef Marouane, , Vanessa Enriquez, , Theo Massolier, Ana Matey, Taylor Smith, Quentin Lefranc, Laurine Wagner.


Commissaire : Posokhova Elena, Maritima.



5    Février, 11h – 19h – Vernissage (Journée Pro), POUSH

9    Février, 18h  -  Conférence a L’université de la SORBONNE, amphithéâtre Descartes, 

11 Février  -   Soirée privée, art dégustation, POUSH,

17 Février, 17h   - Visite Guidée a l’exposition Gonzalo Chillida à INSTITUTO CERVANTES Paris.

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Organization and Main Partners

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Local and International Partners

Asociación Cultural Art Made, Universitat de València, Jardín Botánico, Fundación Visit València, La Nau Centre Cultural de la Universitat de Valencia, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània, Parc Científic de la Universitat de València, Imedmar — UCV, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, Colegio Mayor Rector Peset, Institut Français, Loop (Barcelona), Acqua Foundation (Italy), GoodPlanet (France), Casa de Rusia (Barcelona), Las Provincias, Culturplaza (Valenciaplaza), Noticias CV.

To become a sponsor, please contact us. 

To see your benefits as a sponsor, download this PDF document.

Marítima is organized by Art Made which is recognized by the Spanish tax authorities as a cultural association. The festival is supported by the authorities of Valencia city and has set several partnerships with local important institutions. Marítima is financed by donations from foundations, sponsors and patron's program.


Maritima offers the possibility to video artists and performers to participate in the festival program. Selected candidates by the Festival Committee will benefit from:

  • Full coverage of travel and accommodation for artists-in-residence.

  • Assistance in finding accommodation for artists on festival period.

  • Support for work's production and presentation.

To participate in the selection, we invite you to send us your artistic project.

It is requested that the proposal are linked or related in some way the Maritima's main mission.



Elena Posokhova ⋅ Project Manager, Curator

Dasha Lvova ⋅ Coordinator, Project  Illustrator

Elisa Ganivet ⋅ Curator

Pierre Bagarry ⋅ Coordinator

Liz Fedosyk Curatorial assistant

Victoria Shelest ⋅ Designer


Eduardo Guillot ⋅ Artistic Director of the La Mostra de València film festival

Guillaume Logé ⋅ Researcher (Art History and Environmental Science) & Art advisor in Paris

Norberto Piqueras Sanches ⋅ Manager of the exhibitions at La Nau Cultural Centre - Valencia

Antonio Raga ⋅ Professor of Zoology & Director of Science Park of the University of Valencia

Chantal Steegmuller ⋅ Cultural programming at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature - Paris

Fabien Danesi ⋅ Curator assosiated with Palais de Tokyo / Paris

Carlos Duran ⋅ Founding co-director of LOOP, Director of Senda Gallery and Lab36 in Barcelona.

Meriem Berrada ⋅ Director of Cultural Projects, Fondation Alliances / MACAAL (Morocco)

José Luis Peréz Pont ⋅ Director of Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (Valencia)

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